Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Post from the Field Interviews in Uttar Pradesh

Back in mid-March Catherine, Hari, Crystal, Deeraj, Fidah, Pete and I drove a hundred km or so from Delhi north into the state of Uttar Pradesh, home to 186M people and lacking in paved roads. We took a video camera along on the trip to use as a backup in case the video team cameras went down/ ran out of tape (really, the video crew was comprised of teenagers who would set the camera up and then wander off, coming back to check that the interview subjects had not drifted out fo the frame) and then we decided to start filming of our own accord. Out of 2.5 hrs of tape, 2.3 hrs were pretty miserable: shaky camera work, excessive use of pan and zoom, detailed shots of the lens cap, lots of shots of the ground from awry angles as the camera dangled from a bag, and tons of tooth rattling vibration from the cars. The whole effect was very Blair Witch project without the production values.

After coming back, we recovered some of the material and added a mild soundtrack to cover most of the static and noise. Here's the video:

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